2014년 12월 7일 일요일

TIE fighter Reference.

The TIE Advanced x1, or TIE/x1 was an advanced prototype starfighter touted as a replacement for the standard TIE Fighter tested by Darth Vader and X1 at the battles of Yavin and Mustafar respectively. While it never made it into...
Hans Jenssen Illustration Portfolio

STAR WARS - The DEATHSTAR BATTLE re-edited pt. 1  http://youtu.be/6v5VahaEL7s
This scene is the re-edited version of the famous Death Star battle at Yavin. It took some time to cut this differently than the original way 

2014년 12월 4일 목요일

TIE Fighter Compare.

Bandai 1/72 TIE Advanced VS Finemold 1/72 TIE fighter.
패널라인은 반다이가 약간 굵고 깊음.(먹선넣기 좋을 것 같음) 디테일은 더 좋음. 스냅타이트.
개인적으로는 반다이Bandai : Little bit bigger panel line mold then FM. (However, easy to make panel lines accent). Awesome detail and snap fit kit(I think, it is good for painting).
Personally, Bandai Photo (Upper : Unassembled Bandai / Lower : Painted Finemold)